Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 in Pictures

In no particular order, 2011 involved:

My Dad being very sick :-(

Getting a new job at AAV as the Manager of Metro Heritage Programs

Leaving AAV to go on Long Service Leave to start IAV with Jefa

Playing Mixed Nats and failing yet again to make a team for WUGC :-(

Becoming obsessed with Magic, Card Tricks and Derren Brown

Going to a Professorial lunch at Karagheusian Room, University House with the Vice-Chancellor of Melbourne Uni

MC'ing a few events with Jeannette Powell MP

MC'ing an event with the Premier

Featuring in an Art exhibition

Getting featured in ABM

Attending a reception at Government House with the Queen

Buying and moving into a new house!!!

Mum, Alex and Lara moving back down to Melbourne and coming over for Xmas

Traveling to Bristol to visit Tegan's Sister et al

2011 Top 5's

It's been a while. I've been busy. Here it is:

Best Songs of 2011

Best Movies of 2011

Best TV of 2011